Landing pages are often deemed essential for many online retailers, even in the market of more luxurious products. Blue Nile offers both a custom product offering and spright-pull. This research project evaluated the existing landing page, assessing user perceptions, and assimilate recommendations to enhance this experience. Comparative analysis of competitors was essential. A prototype was created and tested to confirm findings.
Blue Nile

Rating: 6/8 users (per grouping) reviewed this page as unappealing and difficult to use. Those who had approving comments noted the information-based comparisons.
Visuals: Most users thought the images were too small and did not offer clarity as to what they were considering in terms of a purchase.
Perception: Most users interpreted the price strike-outs as something related to discounts and related this as Blue Nile to be a “bargain brand”.
Ease of Use: Half of users did not feel that this page helped them feel educated enough to make a purchase, while others thought it was informative but visually overwhelming.
Features: Most users thought that larger images were needed, along with better explanations and more interactive features to make a more positive product impression.
General: The design of the site overwhelmed nearly all users and did not inspire them to consider shopping the site.
Brilliant Earth
Rating: 8/8 Users (per grouping) reviewed this page as appealing and easy to use (directly to PLP).

Discovery: 7/8 users would recommend this site as it offered clarity toward the variety product offerings in this category.
Perception: Half of users perceived the page to correlate to a higher value brand.
Ease of Use: Most users appreciated the filtering process and clarity of visuals, that the copy was descriptive, and mostly easy to understand.
General: All users reported feeling inspired by this experience and were inclined to say they would either consider a purchase or refer to someone who is in the market for diamond earrings. Most navigated this site easily as it was a familiar shopping experience and less educational.
James Allen

Rating: 8/8 users (per grouping) enjoyed using this page and appeared enthralled with / entertained by the rotating imagery.
Ease of Use: Most users deemed the page very easy to use in terms of exploring sizing and correlated pricing, reporting an overall positive experience.
Discovery: Half of users explored and compared earth vs lab created diamonds and felt this was an interesting tool for the sake of comparison between the types.
Layout: The layout of this page afforded users to compare different diamond and setting styles that they had not known existed previously.
General Impression: The simplicity of the site was easy for all users, and equally rated the imagery/treatments as high-quality.
Blue Nile Prototype (Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds)

Revised layout to accommodate more clear and segmented flow of all earring types
Enhanced images / treatments to meet contemporary features/aesthetic
Clearer and cleaner display of pricing information
Ensured CTAs are distinct, as users are using this page as a jumping-off point
Defined best approach to display lab vs. earth created diamonds (presentation of sizes/shapes/price)
Designed a flow that best organizes the order of styles as they relate to lab/earth diamonds
Used interactive media; explored and designed sense of a visualizer/selector with dynamic views