Unless you've purchased a diamond before, you might not realize that searching for the perfect diamond isn't always the easiest task. There are many variables involved beyond cost and size. This study was derived from the original diamond search study I ran, where customer feedback lead to the conceptualization of the diamond finder "preset."
Users were asked to evaluate the live site and a prototype, specifically to explore the diamond search capabilities, including the NEW preset feature. The language of this preset was derived from common search keywords, trends, and end-user perceptions that I specifically tested for.

Users gave the Blue Nile search (both live and prototype) highly-rated reviews in terms of usability and aesthetics, with preference of the prototype over the website for the following reasons:
Visual results (display of thumbnail as default)
Appeal and easy use of quick filter functionality

Naming of the quick filters was perceived extremely appealing and appropriate
Filters were clear in regard to how they affected filter settings
Mental model for quick filtering / presets; may be helpful for users who are exploring and learning more about diamonds and diamond qualities
Filters were perceived as helpful “easy buttons” to give users a simple starting point in a diamond search
Users noted if they were in the market for diamonds they would be inclined to use quick filters / presets in their search
Users suggested quick filters should be a permanent feature on the diamond search page (may not be necessary to show/hide)